
Homebirth can be a safe birth choice for women. At PBB we love to present to you all your options for birthing. While hospitals are essential if complications arise; birthing at home can be wonderful and sacred. The labour unfolds at it’s own pace and birth occurs in it’s own time. Therefore, complications are less likely to occur. Women are more likely to feel supported and comfortable in their own environment as they travel the birth journey. In our homebirth section of our website we’ve gathered stories, videos, articles, research and much, much more.


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Homebirth Articles

Homebirth Articles

Find out more in-depth information here in our homebirth articles. Read about the philosophy behind having a homebirth and why homebirth is a safe way to give birth. Discover why having a homebirth is so important to many women.

Homebirth articles section includes:

Homebirth Stories

Homebirth Stories

So you’ve read the research, seen the statistics, developed an understanding of the philosophy and now you’re seriously thinking about having a homebirth. Our homebirth stories can provide insights into what homebirth is really like. Through reading homebirth stories you can find out how other women birthed their babies at home.

Homebirth stories section includes:

Homebirth Videos

Homebirth Videos

Our homebirth videos explore in detail the contentious, emotion-filled topic of home vs hospital birth. For many years the debate has raged between midwives, doctors and parents on the best place to give birth. Our educational and engaging homebirth videos discuss how we can work together to achieve the best for mum and baby.

Homebirth videos section includes:

Homebirth links

Homebirth Links

Deciding to have a homebirth can feel daunting and overwhelming at times. These homebirth links are packed with information and resources about homebirth. You may have some unanswered questions about homebirth or be dealing with others who are questioning your decision. Follow these homebirth links for clear, accurate advice.

Homebirth links section includes:

Publicly funded homebirth

Publicly Funded Homebirth

Publicly funded homebirth is currently available for a small number of women in Australia. Homebirth should be an option for all women; birthing at home is safe for low risk pregnancies and holds many advantages to mum and baby. Publicly funded homebirth allows more women access to the incredible journey of having a homebirth.

Publicly funded homebirth section includes:

Organising a homebirth

Organising a Homebirth

If organising a homebirth is feeling like a difficult task then these articles are perfect for you. Our articles aim to explain what you need to do to plan your homebirth and what you don’t need to worry about. Organising a homebirth doesn’t need to be hard work – it can and should, be a time of excitement and expectation.

Organising homebirth section includes:

Homebirth after caesarean

Homebirth After Caesarean

For some, wanting a homebirth comes after a previous caesarean birth. Homebirth after a caesarean may not only be a positive birth experience in its own right, but also provide emotional healing and acceptance after a previous medicalised birth. Keep in mind that each year many women have a successful homebirth after a caesarean.

Homebirth after caesaream section includes: