Breastfeeding Videos2022-06-24T12:54:41+10:00

Breastfeeding Videos

Breastfeeding VideosWelcome to our breastfeeding videos section. While you might think that breastfeeding should “come naturally” the reality is that all women go through a period of learning, especially when breastfeeding their first baby. There was a time when most women learned by watching others in their family or community feed their babies. While this is still true in some families and cultures, these days many women do not see others fed. This has resulted in a loss of knowledge that can leave women feeling lost or unsupported.

Online videos can be a fantastic way to bridge this gap. While a book on breastfeeding can be helpful and a picture is worth a thousand words, reading about breastfeeding and then trying to replicate the techniques can sometimes feel like trying to do a dot-to-dot with half the numbers missing. Watching someone breastfeeding, even via breastfeeding videos, is a more effective way to learn. It enables you to clearly see those techniques in real-time rather than just trying to visualise them.

This section includes videos such as Maximising Milk Production with Hands On Expressing Breastmilk and Hand Expressing Breastmilk. These beautiful breastfeeding videos show proper latch, positioning the baby, expressing breastmilk and much more. Breastfeeding videos are hands-free and can provide you the opportunity to join in and follow along with ease. They can also be particularly helpful if you are experiencing feelings of self-consciousness and feel more comfortable exploring breastfeeding techniques in complete privacy.

Have you found a really helpful video online that you think may be valuable to other breastfeeding mothers? We are always looking for new content for this page. If you have a video to share or would like to suggest a video topic that you’d like to read more about, please email Pregnancy Birth and Beyond.

Selected Breastfeeding Videos

Maximizing Milk Production with Hands On Expressing Breastmilk

At PBB we want to share with you this valuable video about maximizing milk production with hands on expressing. When an infant is unable to breastfeed effectively, and their mother needs to stimulate the breasts and express milk with a breast pump, building and maintaining an adequate supply can be a challenge. This video demonstrates some ways that expressing mothers can increase production without medication. We highly recommend watching this video - another fabulous resource. Maximizing Milk Production Video


Hand expressing breastmilk

Learning how to express breastmilk by hand is a great technique to learn as you don't need any special equipment and it is relatively easy to learn. The benefits of hand expressing breastmilk include: It is free You don't need any expensive or cumbersome pumps It is convenient, you can do it any time, anywhere It stimulates greater breastmilk production This video by Dr Jane Morton demonstrates how easily hand expression can be taught to mothers. At PBB we

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