Pregnancy after Miscarriage

Your experience of pregnancy after miscarriage is rarely as straightforward as the first time you learned you were pregnant. This time, along with joy, relief and hope, you might have less pleasant feelings. Maybe you’re worried about this baby’s health or grieving your previous loss. Consequently, you might feel guilty that you’re not more


PBB Turns 27 Years Old Today

We can't believe that PBB turns 27 years old today. Twenty seven years ago Pregnancy Birth and Beyond was registered as a business. Lots has changed since we started as a business. On the negative side we've seen a dramatic increase in the intervention rates in labour. On the positive side we have seen


Twin Week

We’ve been working hard behind the scenes updating our website. We are really happy as we've just finished the twin section of our website. As a result Pregnancy Birth and Beyond has decided to announce this week as twin week. A week where we are focusing on all things twins. See our new


List of Australian Birth Centres

Find out about the different Australian birth centres. In Australia, birth centres are mostly attached to public hospitals. Midwifery-led care in these centres is free (being completely covered by Medicare). Care by a private midwife or doctor in a birth centre is usually claimable through Medicare and/or a private health fund. Scroll down below


Molar Pregnancy

By Hannah Dahlen A molar pregnancy, otherwise known as an Hydatidiform Mole, occur when a part of the baby that forms the placenta becomes quite abnormal. This can occur when a sperm penetrates an empty ovum (female’s egg) or when a couple of sperm enter an ovum. It occurs about 1 in 1000 to


Loosing Temperance

When you see an embryo, your embryo, on a screen in an embryology lab it can be hard to resist not falling in love with the hope that this tiny mass of cells offers. There it is. Your baby. And if it can just hold on long enough, you will hold him or her

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